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Мне нужно составить диалог,тема: два друга встретились в торговом центре начали беседовать и один пригласил другого в кафе посидеть поговорить,и у них завязался спор(один друг любит дешевую одежду и считает что она качественее,другой любит выбирать дорогие вещи и считает что они на много лучше дешевых) заранее !

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Ответы на вопрос:

пусть одного зовут sam, a другого fred


sam: hey, fred!

fred: hey, what's up, sam?

sam: how are you doing?

fred: well, not really good. 

sam: why's that?

fred: that's a long story

sam: then why don't we go to the cafe and talk about it ?

fred: i don't think that's a good idea..

sam: oh come on, i insist!

fred: well, okay then, let's go!

  в кафе

fred: so, what's new in your life?

sam: well, yesterday   my wife and i went shopping and we found a very good clothes store!

fred; oh, it must be an expensive one

sam: oh no, it is pretty cheap. do you think that a cheap shop can't be a good one?

fred: yeah, you got me, that's exactly what i think!

sam: and i don't see any difference, you can buy the same shirt in the expensive shop or in the cheap - it's still the same shirt!

fred: yeah, but the quality is a big difference!  

sam:   as i see i can't prove you that my point of view is right

fred: yeah, let's just order something to eat!


импровизация; )

I'm bad at computers but i can do basic things. i usually use my computer for two hours at the weekdays and five-six hours at the weekends. i have the internet. i think that computer is useless without it because now people watch movies, listen to music, play computer games and chat with friends online.

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