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Переведите : она была хорошенькой. у нее были длинные русые волосы, карие глаза с длинными ресницами и милые щечки. пока шла перемена я узнал много нового и интересного о кате. она занималась фигурным катанием с самого детства и уже добилась больших успехов. помимо спорта она еще и хорошо училась, участвовала в олимпиадах, соревнованиях и шла на золотую медаль.

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Ответы на вопрос:

She was very pretty. she had long brown hair, brown eyes with long eyelashes and cute cheeks. while there was a change, i learned many new and interesting things about kate. she has been skating since childhood and has made great strides. apart from sports, it also was a good student, participated in contests, competitions and was on the gold medal.

She was very pretty . she had long brown hair , brown eyes with long eyelashes and cute cheeks . while there was a change , i learned many new and interesting things about kate . she has been skating since childhood and has made ​​great strides . apart from sports , it also was a good student , participated in contests , competitions and was on the gold medal .

                                                    №1 1. he said, that he lost his watch. 2. the woman said, than she is going to call the police 3. susan said, that she never argues with her parents. 4. she asked me what i am doing. 5. the teacher asked to close the window 6. she asked don't ask her such questions. 7. tonny asked me wherever i live in moscow or not. 8. peter said, that he learns to play the guitar. 9. sally said, that she don't want anything to eat. 10.   she said, that she can't move.                                                         №2 1. he said he was tired 2. jack told me that you were ill. 3. please don't tell dad what happened 4. the man told us he was a private detective. 5. the man said he was a private detective а напоследок, скажу тебе одно правило, чтобы запомнить где ставить say/said, а где  tell/told: если ты хочешь отметить что кто-то сказал что-либо кому-то, то нужно в этом случае употреблять именно tell, в противном случае say tell somebody             but say

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