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Составить 10 специальных и 10 общих вопросовa busy day though it was winter vadim petrovich, the agronomist of the farm, had a busy day last tuesday. he began his morning with the radio, he listened to the news. at half past seven he got up, washed, did his morning exercises at an open window, dressed and had breakfast. vadim petrovich likes mornings, because he can see his family, and he can have a talk with his wife and children. at a quarter to nine vadim petrovich left home. it was a cold winter day. there was a lot of snow on the ground. the sky wasn't blue, and the sun didn't shine at all. there weren’t any people in the street. vadim petrovich went to the farm. it is not far from his house, so he walks there. the road was white with snow and he couldn't walk fast. when he came to the farm, some people wanted to see and talk to him. his working day began. at 1 o'clock he went home to have dinner. he had dinner with his wife and little daughter who does not go to school. he ate his dinner, rested a little, and went back to the farm. vadim petrovich had to talk to some people, to write some letters, and to do some other work. at 5 o'clock he had an important meeting. and only at 8 o'clock he came home. прошу к 10 любым умаляю по 10 общих 10 специальных

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. who had a busy day last tuesday?

2. what season was it?

3. how did he begin his morning?

4. why does vadim petrovich like mornings?

5. at what time did vadim petrovich leave  home?

6. where did vadim petrovich go?

7. where did vadim petrovich have dinner?

8. when did he come home for dinner?

9. what did vadim petrovich have to do at work?

10. what was vadim petrovich?


1. was it  a cold winter day?

2. was there  a lot of snow on the ground?

3. wasn't the sky blue?

4. were there any people in the street?

5. did vadim petrovich go to the farm?

6. was the road  white with snow?

7. could  vadim petrovich walk fast?

8. did he go home at 1 o'clock?

9. did he walk to the farm?

10. did he have an important meeting at 5 o'clock?










what are the causes of natural disasters which are becoming more frequent in our country? not waiting for the scientist' explanations, people say this is our fault. during the last 50 years a great deal of forest in the carpathians have been cut down. deforestation has led to changes in local climate. that's why we have trouble with floods in this in this region. the scientists remind us that all elements and systems are interconnected in nature. irresponsible attitude to it might lead to terrible results.

каковы причины стихийных бедствий, которые становятся все более частыми в нашей стране? не дожидаясь ученый и администрацией; разъяснения, люди говорят, что это наша вина. за последние 50 лет, много лесов в карпатах были вырублены. обезлесением, к изменению местного климата. вот и администрацией; s, почему у нас проблемы с наводнениями в этом в этом регионе. ученые напоминают нам, что все элементы и системы взаимосвязаны в природе. безответственное отношение к ней может к страшным результатам.

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