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7. выберитеправильныйвариант. 1. he always … at 7 o’clock. (is getting up; has got up; gets up) 2. ann … to paris in 1991. (has moved; moved; moves) 3. we haven’t heard him … months. (since; yet; for) 4. he goes to work … bus. (on, in, by) 5. you … cross the street when the light is red. (mustn’t; needn’t; can’t) 6. he is wearing … uniform. (-; a; an) 7. mark is as … as jack. (taller; tall; the tallest) 8. … is ted? - in his study. (where; what; who) 9. … you give me your pencil, please? (shall; could; must) 10. this is … umbrella. (mary; mary’s; marys’) 11. i haven’t got … bread. (much; many; some) 12. … came first? - peter. (who; which; what)

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Ответы на вопрос:

7.  выберите  правильный  вариант.

1. he always … at  7 o’clock. - он всегда встает в 7 часов

(is getting up;   has got up;   gets up)

2. ann … to paris in 1991. - анна переехала в париж в 1991

(has moved;   moved;   moves)

3. we haven’t heard him … months. - мы не видим его месяцами.

(since;   yet;   for)

4. he goes to work … bus. - он ездит на работу на автобусе

(on,  in,  by)

5. you … cross the street when the light is red. - ты не должен переходить улицу на красный свет?   (mustn’t;   needn’t;   can’t)

6. he is wearing … uniform. - он одет в униформу

(-;   a;   an)

7. mark is as … as jack. - марк такой же высокий как джек

(taller;   tall;   the tallest)

8. … is ted? - in his study.

(where;   what;   who)

9. … you give me your pencil, please? - ты можешь дать мне свой карандаш?

(shall;   could;   must)

10. this is … umbrella. это зонтик мари

(mary;   mary’s;   marys’)

11. i haven’t got … bread. у меня нет хлеба (мало хлеба)

(much;   many;   some)

12. … came first? - peter. - кто пришел первым? питер.

(who;   which;   what)

1. he always  gets up at  7 o’clock.

2. ann moved to paris in 1991.

3. we haven’t heard him  for months.

4. he goes to work  by  bus.

5. you  mustn’t cross the street when the light is red.

6. he is wearing  a  uniform.

7. mark is as  tall as jack.

8. where is ted? - in his study.

9. could you give me your pencil, please?

10. this is  mary’s umbrella.

11. i haven’t got  much  bread.

12.  who  came first? - peter.


Moscow is the capital of russia.it is the biggest and one of the most beautiful cities in our country.about twelve million people live in moscow.moscow is a political and cultural centre of russia.there are many theatres,art galleries,museum in moscow.the most famouse square in the sity is red square.every year a lot of   tourists from all ower the world come to see the kremlin.the kremlin is a fortess with its own buildings,towers and churches.the bolshoi theatre (в . не говорят big theatre,они говорят bolshoi у нас так в учебнике написано)is one of the best theatre in the world.if you are fond of painting you should visit the tretyakov gallery.children like visiting the central military museum.they can see a lot of tanks,armory and war documents here.one of the highest buildings in moscow is the moscow state universiry.it was founded in 1755 by great scientist mikhail lomonosov.

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