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Передайте следующие высказывания в косвенную речь: 1. " you lied to me," dennis told ann. 2. " i promise i won't tell anyone your secret," tara said to diana. 3. " don't forget to post the letters," mum said to me. 4. " i'm sorry i ruined your shirt," sarah told frances. 5. " no,i didn't use tim's computer," george said.

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Ответы на вопрос:

dennis told ann that she lied him/

tara said to diana that she promise did not secret

mum said to me that i did not forget to post the letter

sarah told frances that she ruined her shirt

george said that he did not use tims computer

1him 2.it 3/ her 4/him 5.her 6. you 7.his 8.your

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