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Переведите с на . где она сечас? она в саду. она играет с друзьями. он хороший ученик.он всегда делает уроки.что ты сейчас делаешь? я смотрю телевизор . он дома? нет он в школе. вы ездите к бабушке по выходным ? она плавает каждые выходные в этом бассейне. он сейчас гуляет. он не любит сидеть дома.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Where is she now? she  is in the garden.she is playing with her friends.he is a good pupil.he always does his lessons.what are you doing now? i am wathing tv.is he at home? no he is not.he is at school.do you drive to your grandmother  on the weekends? she swims in this swiming-pool    every weekend.he is  walking now. he does not like  to sit at home.

Where is she now? she's in the garden. she plays with friends. he was a good student.he always does his homework.what are you doing now? i watching tv . he's at home? no he's at school. you're driving to grandma's on the weekends ? she swims every weekend in the pool. he just walks. he doesn't like to sit at home.

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