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Сделать текст от 3 лица. my name’s petrov. i live in the center of moscow. i work at the ministry of foreign trade. i’m an engineer and i’m also a student. many engineers in our ministry learn foreign languages. i learn english. we have our english in the morning. we’re at a lesson now. jane is standing at the blackboard. she’s writing an english sentence. we aren’t writing. we’re looking at the blackboard. we don’t often write in class. sometimes we have dictations. during the lesson we read our text-book and do a lot of exercises. we don’t often speak russian in class. we speak english to our teacher. we usually speak russian after classes.

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Впервом заместо местоимения "i" поставь местоимение "he" (это 3-ие лицо) например: his name's petrov.he lives(так как 3-ие лицо прибавляем окончание "s") in the center of moscow. и так далее.

There are) a lot of beautiful towns in russia. are) interesting museums in the city. tom is the  cleverest) pupil in the class. today the weather is (better than yesterday. you went) countryside last year. children (will ride a bike next saturday. i (go to school every day. it (was cold snd windy yesterdey. she always (has breakfast at 7 o'clock

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