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Переведите текст. , не используйте ! школа моей бабушки находилась недалеко от ее дома, поэтому добиралась она быстро. ее одноклассники тоже жили рядом со школой, что было здорово. в классе, обычно, было 25 человек из-за этого было душно. кабинеты были маленькими. в классе не было шума, потому что в нем была строгая дисциплина. у моей бабушки любимым урокам были язык и . она с большим удовольствием писала сочинение и рассказы. она ходила в школу в школьной форме, которую сшила ей мама. это было темное платье и белый фартук. недалеко от их в школы была пекарня, куда она друзьями ходила покупать горячий хлеб на перемене.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My grandmother used to live next to her school, so it didn't take her long to get there. all her classmates lived close to the school and it was cool. their classroom was tiny and used to be airless because there were twenty five pupils in it. pupils didn't usually make noise because firm discipline was kept. my grandmother's favourite subjects were russian and literature. she enjoyed writing compositions and novels. she wore uniform made by her mother. a dark dress and a white apron made her uniform. there was a bakery next to her school where she and her classmates used to go to buy freshly baked bread.

1. was cooking, went, burnt

2. hurt, was skating

3. entered, were feeding

4. was visiting, bought

5. started, were bathing

6. was having

7. came, was doing

8. were you doing

9. was going

10. were sleeping, went out

11. was reading, came, sat

12. was walking, passed

13. was looking, saw

14. were answering, entered

15. were drinking, came

16. was walking, was passed

17. was thinking, fell

18. listened

19. entered, was writing, were copying

20. were getting, began

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