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Текст переделать из прямой речи в косвенную. my name is marcy lewis.i'm 13 years old i'm in the 9th grade.my life is not easy.i sing as badly as i dance.i hat scholl.it school we never learn any thing good.we all like our new teacher ms,finney.

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Ответы на вопрос:

О, мы делали это. the girl says that her name is marcy lewis. marcy says that she is thirteen years old. marcy says that she in the 9th grade at dwight d. eisenhower junior high. marcy says that they all like their new teacher miss finney. marsy is sorrt that miss finney will no longer be their teacher in her school. marsy worries that her life is not easy. marcy is upset that her mother makes go to ballet classes. marcy thinks that she signs as budly as she danses.

You ask them she asks him we asked him i'm asking you we ask you

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