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Перевести на летом я гулял во дворе с друзьями. катался на велосипеде в парке. ходил в цирк. плавал и нырял на море

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Ответы на вопрос:

In the summer i walking in the yard with friends. rode a bicycle in the park. went to the circus. swam and dived in the sea

Summer i was walking in the yard with friends. a bike ride in the park. i went to the circus. swim and dive in the sea

Переводится: заполни пробелы артиклями, если необходимо.1) july is the hottest month of the year. 2)the text is on the second page. 3)it is an english song. 4)what colour is  ann's ball? (нет артикля) 5)we must lay the table.

Популярно: Английский язык