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Яхотела сшить платье, но не знала, как приняться за дело. 2. он отправился на работу час назад, разве он еще не приехал? 3. как ты начинаешь строить лодку? 4. свадебные подарки выставлены в соседней комнате, и гости могут полюбоваться ими. 5. всех горожан заставили приняться за строительство моста. 6. все жители деревни отправились на поиски пропавшего ребенка. 7. , поставь лучшую посуду для гостей. 8. пора начать упаковывать чемоданы.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i wwanted to sew a dress, but didn't know how to be accepted  for good reason. 2.  it went for work an hourago,unless it didn't arrive yet. 3. how you start building the boat? 4. wedding gifts are exposed the neighboring   room, and guests can admire them.5. all citizens   forced to be accepted to bridge construction.6.all inhabitans of the village went to searches of the gone child. 7.wellcome, put the best ware for guests.8.it is time to start  packing  the suitcases.

fit people are always healthy.being patient is important if you want to succeed in sports.boxing requires one to be not only strong and fast but also imaginative.only courageous people can win over themselves and win in sports.many types of sports require a good sense of balance.football is a cooperative game.sports make you strong.by doing sports you learn how to be determined.only well trained teams win the games.a person with adventurous personality should love extremes types of sports.

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