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Переведите текст в past simple. как ты провела лето? я провела его хорошо и весело.сначала я поехалаина дачу к бабушке.там я купалась и гуляла. мне не хотелось уезжать, но мне нужно было в лагерь. в лагере я много тренировалась и уставала.но мне понравилось, потому что рядом были друзья. наступила осень и мне нужно было в школу. надеюсь скоро увидимся! пока.

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Ответы на вопрос:

How did you spend last summer? i spent summer very good and funny. the first i go in summer house by grandma. i swam and walked there. i didn't want go from summer house, but i must go in camp. i much trained and i very tired. but i was very happy because near was friends. autumn stared and i must go to school. hopefully i'll see you soon. bye!

How you spent your summer? i held him very well and i veselo.snachala poehalaina cottage to babushke.tam i swam and walked. i did not want to leave, but i had to camp. in the camp i trained hard and very ustavala.no i liked it because it was close to friends. autumn came and i had to be in school. hope to see you soon! till.

Что смог the unicorn was known in the west, at least four centuries before the birth of christ, and in the east even earlier. except for the dragon, no other animal was so unusually wide fame. perhaps this popularity is due to the mystery and extraordinary abilities of a unicorn: he is the most amazing creature that lives in remote places of human habitation areas, he is strong and noble, is gentle and submissive in the presence of the virgin, and his horn has many wonderful properties. as regards the appearance of the unicorn people did not come to a consensus.

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