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13 ! переведите ! in ancient athens, until the age of 6 or so, boys were taught at home by their mothers or by male slaves. from the age of 6 to 14 boys went to a local primary school or to a private school. there were few books. books were expensive. the teacher read the book out loud, and the boys had to memorize everything. in primary school they had to learn two important things — poems by homer, a famous greek poet, and how to play the lyre. girls didn’t go to school. some of them learned to read and write at home, but most of them were taught sewing and cooking.

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Вдревних афинах, до 6 лет или около того, мальчики учили в домой своими матерями или мужскими рабами. в возрасте от 6 до 14 мальчиков пошел в местную начальную школу или в частную школу. были несколько книг. книги были дорогими. учитель прочитал бронирование громко, и мальчики должны были запомнить все. в начальной школе школы они должны были выучить две важные вещи - стихи гомера, в известный греческий поэт, и как играть на лире. девушки не ходили в школу. некоторые из них научились читать и писать у себя дома, но большинство из них учили шить и готовить.


1. i'd only b been the washing-up for a few minutes when clare came home, so she offered to finish it

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4.mum had b been her cup of tea for several minutes before she realised it had salt in it

5.we'd b been ready all day when they called to say the party had been cancelled.

6. it was a fantastic experience because i'd never a in a plane before


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