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Переведите на язык. я провела лето сначала в деревне потом я приехала в город на соревнования. после нескольких соревнованиях я отправилась в крым . после крыма я стала читать книги которые задали на лето и посещать тренеровки.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ispent the summer in the village first and then i came to the city for the event. after several events i went to  crimea . crimea after i began to read books that were asked in the summer and visit training .

1. are  you going to do your homework tonight? - yes, i am. 2. are your parents going to move house next year? - no, they are not. 3. are you going to cook dinner this evening? - no, i am not. 4.  is it going to rain this afternoon? - yes, it is .5. are you going to  walk to school tomorrow? - no, i am not. 6.  is your teacher going to correct this text? - yes, he/she is.

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