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Переведите текст, ) только без ошибок) заранее ) - бетти ) - ) - как ты? как твоя дочь эми ? - нормально) вчера отвозила её к врачу. у неё зуб заболел, но о на дорогах такие пробки! просто ужас! мы из-за этого опоздали на приём( - и не говори! вчера только с сестрой в магазин ездили за покупками. весь день в пробках простояли. это же просто невозможно! - ну что сказать - москва. - я слышала, что на мкаде авария произошла! пробка вроде бы из-за этого образовалась. говорят, что три человека пострадало! - ой как жалко. - да( - ну ладно я пойду , а то уже холодно совсем стало. - да, я тоже как раз опаздываю. ну ладно, пока) - пока эшли)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hi, betty. -hello. -how are you? how is your daughter emmi? -fine. we went to the doctor yesterday. she had a toothache, but there were a trafficjams. disgasting. thats why we wele late for the meeting.  -dont say so. yesterday i with my sister went shopping. all day we were staying in trafficjams. it's awful.  -what can i say-moscow. -i heard that there was an acident near mkad. thatsa why traficjam was. saying, that 3 people died. -what a puty. -yes. -ok, i'll go. it's getting cold.  -yes, i'm late. bye. -bye, eshli

Hello betty) - hi ) - how do you? how's your daughter, amy? - normal) yesterday, drove her to the doctor. she tooth was ill, but the traffic jams are! just awful! we are due to this late on reception ( - no need to say! yesterday, only my sister and i went to the store to shop. all day stood in traffic jams. it's just not possible! - what can i say - moscow. - i heard that the accident occurred on the ring road! cork seemed to be because of it was formed. it is said that three people were injured! - oh, what a pity. - yes( - okay, i'll go, and it has become quite cold. - yeah, i just late. ok, bye) - as long as ashley)

a) finished/ found/ got


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