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Переведите на язык, употребляя глагол to be в формеpresent илиpast simple. 1.он водитель. 2.мы школьники. 3.они были в театре. 4.он был рабочим. сейчас он инженер. 5.мои родители дома. 6. мой брат не был в школе вчера. 7. его мама молодая. она студентка. 8. моя бабушка учительница. она не на работе. они сейчас дома. 9.мой дядя был летчиком. 10.вы были в театре вчера? — нет, не были. 11.в прошлом году его сестра была студенткой. сейчж она доктор. 12.он больной? — да, он сейчас болеет. 13.погода сегодня ясная, а вчера погода была плохой. 14.где ты был? — я был на работе. 15.она в театре? — нет, в кино. 16.это парк. парк старый. 17.в прошлом месяце мы были в театре. 18.где они были? — на работе. 19.мой дедушка старый. 20.его сестры нет в школе. 21.он не болен. 22.где мои вещи? — они были на столе. 23.она была учительницей. 24.вы были летчиком? — нет, я был водителем. 25.эти моряки?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1he is a driver 2 we are a pupils 3 they were in the theatre 4 he   has been worker. now he's an engineer 5 my parents are at home 6 my brother wasn't at school ysterday 7 his mother is young/she is a student 8 my granny is a teacher.she isn't at work. she is at home 9 my uncle was a pilot 10 did you go to the theatre yesterday? no we didn't  11 his sister was a student last year. now she's a doctor 12 is he illyes he is 13 the weather is clear today. but yesterday it was bad 14where have you been i 've been at work 15 is she the theatre ! no she is at the cinema 16 this is a park! the rark is really old(very old) 17 we were at the theatre last month 18 where were they? they were at  work   19 my grandad is old 20 his sister isn't at school 21 he isn't ill 22 where are my clothes ? they were on the table 23 she was a   teacher 24 have you been a pilot? no i ' ve been a driver 25 are these boys sailors


2) She complained that I always leave the window open.

3) Tom suggested to make a curry.

4) He apologised for being late.

5) Charles boasted about his own restaurant in the area.

6) He begged to help him.

7) He invited me to a parte with him.

8) She warned me not to touch the wire.

9) He informed me that my results would come out tomorrow.

10) He promised to arrive early.


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