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This morning promised rain, so in school i took an umbrella. i love the clear weather. when the rain i usually wrapped in a blanket and reading a book. when the fog outside, that is, the feeling that you are in a fairy tale. if immediately after the rain the sun comes out, there will be a rainbow.  i love to ride on a sled when fresh snow is everywhere. rain reminds me of tears. thunder and lightning, that is what i fear most. in the summer, when it's sunny i wear a cap. in the autumn rains, thunder and lightning.



There lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had Chicken Ripple.

The Chicken laid an egg, but not a simple one a golden one.

Grandfather beat-did not break.

Grandma was - did not break.

And the mouse ran, waved its tail,

the testicle fell and broke.

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, and Hen Ryaba says to them.

Do not cry, grandfather do not cry, woman:

I will lay you a new egg, not golden, but simple!

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