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На этот год у меня не так много планов ,а точнее всего 10.1 стремится узнать больше нового не в школе ,а из других источников.2 проводить больше времени на свежем воздухе и увидиться со стпрыми друзьями.3 стать лучше своих одноклассников в разных сферах.4 заняться спортом и   похудеть.5 купить новые красивые вещи.6 поменьше сидеть в телефоне и больше времени уделять учёбе.7 не ругаться с родными и друзьями .8 получить уважение учителей .9 завести новых друзей.10 хорошо закончить год. this year i don't have a lot of plans ,but rather only 10. 1 seeks to learn not in school ,and from other sources. 2 spend more time in the fresh air and to see tprime friends. 3 become better than their classmates in different areas. 4 to exercise and lose weight. 5 buy beautiful new things. 6 not to sit on the phone and more time to devote to study. 7 do not swear with family and friends . 8 to respect for teachers . 9 make new friends. 10 to finish the year.

There are different kinds of shops. some of them sell bread. others sell tea, sugar, coffee, butter, cheese, sausages, meat, fruit, vegetables.when we want to buy something, we take our shopping-bags and go to the shop. there we can see shop-assistants who sell goods.many people do their shopping at the market. there farmers and other people sell fruit and vegetables which they grow themselves. they sell meat, milk and other things too.large shops with many departments are called department stores and supermarkets. in these stores we can buy almost everything we want. in the shop-windows we can see all the goods which they sell – food, suits, dresses, coats, boots, shoes, radio and tv-sets, and many other things

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