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Нужна ваша answer the questions. use your answers to tell your partner about your family. who's in your immediate/extended family? how do you get on with your family members? what family cultural traditions are there in your country? what is important in your family? what does family mean to you?

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Ответы на вопрос:

2. как ты общаешься со своей семьей. 3. есть ли какие-либо семейные традиции в вашей семье и стране 4. что важно в вашей семье 5. что ваша семья значит для васна первый вопрос не знаю ответа.2.i have a friendly family! always help each other, we give advice and solve problems! 3. family games.  family council( кэнсыл).commemorated deceased loved ones. 4.  the most important thing in a family is when you are waiting at home, respect and understand you, help and trust you. because nothing dearer and nearer than the human family, no! semya- this support, fortress, house, warm, schate, love, trust, children, home this is the life for the sake of the family we live and yet, what do we mean by that word - it is still the most important and expensive! 5.  family - is the foundation of our society and the state. without a strong and cohesive families there will be no strong state. family - is the most close and favorite people. family - this is love, hope, faith, patience and understanding. it's mutual. no families - there is no normal life. single people - the most unhappy man.

Is there any book on the shelf? i can't live in a big city. he doesn't like whales.

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