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Перевидите слова на 5 клас! только без ошибок и не по ! праздновать, украшать комнату, обмениваться подарками, приготовить любимое блюдо, любимый праздник, выбирать фрукты. сделать бутерброды, принести овощи, забыть правила, порезать картофель? последнее словосочетание со знаком !

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Ответы на вопрос:

to celebrate, decorate the room, to exchange presents , to prepare a favourite dish, a favourite holiday, to choose fruit. to make sandwiches, to bring vegetables, to forget rules,

to cut potatoes?

celebrate - праздновать, decorate the room - украшать комнату, to exchange gifts - обмениватся подарками, cook the favorite dish - приготовить любимое  блюдо,    favorite holiday - любимый праздник, choose fruits - выбирать фрукты, make sandwiches - сделать бутерброды, bring vegetables - выбирать овощи, forget the rules - забыть правила, cut the potatoes? - порезать картовель?


Iam reading now he is sleeping now we are drinking tea now they are going to school now i am not sleeping now she is not drinking coffee now i read every day he sleeps every night we drink tea every morning they go to school every morning i don’t sleep in the daytime she doesn’t drink coffee after lunch we aren’t watching tv now they are not eating now my mother isn’t working now are you working now? is he playing now? are they eating now? is you sister resting now? what are you doing now? what are you reading now? what are they eating now? what is your brother drinking now? we don’t watch tv in the morning they don’t eat at the lesson my mother doesn’t work at an office do you work every day? does he play in the afternoon? do they eat at school? does your sister rests after school? what do you so every morning? what do you read after dinner? what do they eat at breakfast? what does your brother drink in the evening? 1. do you fo on holidays by plane sometimes? 2. do they play computer games every day? 3. is she eating dinner at the moment? 4. what are they doing right now? 5. does she visit grandma very often? 1. is watching, is sleeping. 2. is not cooking, cooks. 3. i am not, am writing. 4. don’t drink, drink. 5. is doing 6. goes 7. is sleeping 8. sleeps 9. doesn’t work 10. is not sleeping, is working.

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