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Погоните сделать дз по отвечая на вопросы про лето 1)did you stay home or go away for your holidays ? where did you go? 2)did you travel in summer? to what places? 3)what was the weather like in june,july and august? 4)where did you stay in summer? was it a hotel? a summer house? a summer camp ? some other place? 5)what new and interesting things did you see or learn? 6)did you play games ? did you do sports? what games and sports? 7)did you really enjoy your school holidays? what went wrong? what was good about them?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)i dont stay at home and go away for my holidays. i go to the park, to the cinema. 2)yes. i go in mosow. 3)the weather is worm in june and hot in july. the weather is good and worm in august. 4)

we pulled over to take some pictures of clouds and lightning. — мы остановились на обочине, чтобы сфотографировать вспышки молний на фоне туч.

it's hard to give up the drinking habit without help. — без посторонней трудно бросить пить

don't let me interrupt you, just carry on. — не позволяй мне перебивать тебя, рассказывай дальше.

we ourselves shall one time or other be dealt with as we deal with others. — рано или поздно с нами поступят так же, как мы поступаем с другими.

Популярно: Английский язык