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This summer i really liked it in june, i was with my friends went hiking with an overnight stay was a lot of fun in july, i went to the sea where i swim and sunbathe when i arrived i called his friends to his house and we had a party in august, i was at his grandmother in the village, i helps her to dig potatoes i really liked it helps in the village, i found many new friends with them, i went for a walk and have fun i really enjoyed this summer. это лето мне понравилось в июне я с моими друзьями ходили в поход с ночевкой было весело в июле я ездила на море там я купалась загорала когда я приехала я позвала своих друзей к себе домой и мы устроили вечеринку в августе я была у бабушки в деревне я копать картошку мне понравилась бабушки в деревне я нашла себе много друзей с ними я гуляла и веселилась

1do you know what time the film finishes? 2 are you going to carry on studying italian next year? 3 five minutes after we left, i remembered that i had not locked  the back door.  4 when i woke up this morning, i could hear that it was raining very hard.  5 a how long have  you been learning  english?   b since october. 6 i'm sorry, but i am not able come to the meeting on wednesday. i'm away until friday.  7 he asked me what i did and i told him i was a lawyer. (do) 8 i'll tell him as soon as i see him. (see) 9 i have had this computer for at least six years. i need a new one. (have) 10 i'm really tired at the moment. i need a holiday! (need) 11 if you did not watch so much tv every night, you would have more time for reading.  12 a i'm really hungry.  b wiil i make you a sandwich?   13 you've been travelling all day. you must be exhausted. (be) 14 we can't afford going to that restaurant. it's much too expensive. (go) 15 i told jane not to tell  anybody, but of course she told everyone. (not tell) 16 he won't pass his exams unless he works a lot harder. (work) 17 you would have seen  them if you'd arrived five minutes earlier. they've just gone. 18 who do you thinkwill win the match tonight? (win) 19 we can't use the lift because it is being  repaired  at the moment.  20 a you look exhausted!   b i am. i have been working in the garden all morning. (work)

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