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Переведите ста, грамотно, в прошедшем простом. 40б. донна со своими родителями поехала в испанию на каникулы. марк, его брат и его друзья тоже поехали в испанию. донна со своей семьёй смотрели на морских птиц. девушка услышала громкий смех, который издавали парни. но один мальчик, был тихий и стеснительный, он смотрел на донну. это был марк. донна и марк понравились друг другу. вечером, донна и луиза пошли на диско. донну позвал танцевать красивым парень, она подумала это был марк. она долго танцевала. случайно, донна увидела парня у входа. скромная, улыбка, милый взгляд. это был марк. все время, она танцевала с братом марка, дейвом. марк ушел, дона побежала за ним, но его не нашла. марк и донна всю ночь не спали, они думали друг о друге. утром, марк пошёл в кафе, он ждал донну, но ему пришлось уйти к брату. донна, пришла в кафе после марка, и тоже его ждала. донна хотела извиниться. на лодке они больше не увидились.

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Donna with her parents went to spain on holiday. mark, his brother and his friends also went to spain with his family, donna looked on seabirds.she heard a loud laugh that published guys. but one boy, was quiet and very shy, he looked at donna.it was mark. donna and mark liked each other evening, donna and louse went to the disco. donna called dancing handsome guy, she thought it was mark.she danced for a long time. incidentally, donna saw a guy at the door.modest, smile, cute look.it was mark. all her time dancing with his brother mark, dave. mark left, don ran after him, but he did not find mark and donna did not sleep all night, they thought about each other. in the morning, mark went to the coffee shop,he was waiting for donna, but he had to go to his brother. donna, came to the cafe after mark, and was waiting for him, too. donna wanted to apologize.on the boat they do not see each other again.

The ladys are very nice. the cars are in the street. the books are on the shelf. the boys are students. there are wolfs in the wood. the flowers are in the vase. l am a pupil on the fifth form. they are in the classroom. it is a book. she is from china. i am happy. john is a student. my flat is very big. mary and helen are in the park. the sky is blue. the apples are on the table. he is not angry. ann is not pretty. they are not from japan. mary is not in the garden. they are not realy for the lesson. my brother is not small. mr. brown and mr. smith are not from london. the houses are not very big. english is not easy. this book is not interesting.

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