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Что кристофер робин рассказывает о своих друзьях ? заполните пропуски в предложениях подходящем местоимениями из рамки (i my she our his their her we) __ like winnie the pooh . winnie is friend. winnie the pooh likes piglet. piglet is friend. winnie the pooh and piglet like rabbit. rabbit is friend. rabbit likes owl . smart and friendly .eeyore is good friend. my friend and i like i like kanga and roo. are good friends . we like playing with friends

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I    my  his their she her our

1how tall was the twins last year2 how tall is carol3 how tall are twins now4 how tall are you now5 how tall you was last year6 how old the tower of london7 how many can go to the city museum8 who can go to the city museum9 which do we need a seed to grow the flower

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