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Helen is a shop assistant . she wors ( work) in a big supermarket . she to like ) her work . every day she get up ) at seven o'clock , .(to heve) breakfast and to go) to work. on her way to the supermarket she to meet) her friend olga .they work) together . the working day to end) at seven o'clock and the girls to go) home. in the evenings they often to watch ) films or to meet with their freir friends in the park.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Helen is a shop assistant. she works in a big supermarket. she likes her work. every day she gets up at seven o'clock, has  breakfast and goes to work. on her way to the supermarket she meets her friend olga. they work together. the working day  ends at seven o'clock and the girls  go home. in the evenings they often watch films or meet with their freir friends in the park.

Helen is a shop assistant.  she works (work) in a big supermarket. she likes (to like) her work. every day she gets (to get up) at seven o'clock, has (to have) breakfast and goes (to go) to work. on her way to the supermarket she meets (to meet) her friend olga. they work  (to work) together. the working day ends (to end) at seven o'clock and the girls go (to go) home. in the evenings they often watch (to watch) films or meet (to meet) with their their friends in the park.

1has finished, 2 has scored, 3 have watched, 4 has run, 5 has bought, 6 have lost, 7 has written, 8 have eaten, 9 have watched, 10 have started, 11 has studied, 12 has dropped, 13 has rained, 14 have had, 15 have known, 16 have lived, 17 has had, 18 has lived.

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