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Решите анаграммы, восстановите прилагательные и запишите слово, значение которого противоположно всем остальным. waluf reriblet roribhel celxenlet readdluf

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Awful, terrible, horrible, excellent, dreadful все слова, кроме excellent, значат ужасный, страшный и тд. excellent же значит превосходный, отличный 

1.I think, the most beautiful country in the world is Uzbekistan.

2. different countries have their own greetings. In Uzbekistan, people greet: they put their right hand on their chest and say to Assalom Alaykum

3.many people want to go to dubai, malaysia. But I wanted to travel to Uzbekistan. Because Uzbekistan is the most historical, civilized state

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