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5choose the right answer. more than one answer can be correct. 1. in 1066 the english were fighting a) the vikings b) the frenchmen c) the normans 2. when elmer's father talks about frenchmen, he means a) vikings b) normans c) germans 3. the enemies came to england a) by ship b) by horse c) on foot 4. the english lost because a) they didn't have ships b) they had just fought another battle c) they got into a trap 5. in a battle the normans used a) shields b) bows c) slingshots 6. in a battle the english used a) shields b) slingshots c) axes 7. after the battle the normans a) were kind to the english b) burnt the houses of the english c) killed the english

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1. a tour manager must be sociable, well-educated, well brought up.

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