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Стр 7, закончи предложение, 1) the bird 's name . 2)he . 3). 4)his teacher is . 5)mr greenwood teaches his bird to .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.rosky 2.fruits 3.sings 4.mr greenwiod 5.fly

1) имя ( riki или kesha или 2) он рыбу - fish) или (мясо - meat) или (яблоки - apples) и т. д. 3) rosky … хорошо ( поет- sings ) или ( танцует- dances) или ( рисует- drawings ) 4) его учитель… ( акробат - acrobat) 5) мистер greenwood учит его птиц… ( летать - to fly)

She is a girl. is she a girl? she isn't girl. he also is student last year. is he also student last year? he also isn't student last year. it is a dog. is it a dog? it isn't dog. they are at home. are they at home? the aren't at home. you are my friend. are you my friend? you aren't my friend. he will be a doctor soon. will be he a doctor soon? he won't be a doctor soon. they were at school yesterday. we're they at school yesterday? they were not at school yesterday.

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