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1. choose the correct variant. i. …smiths have a dog and a cat. a) … b) the c) a 2. he knows how to work on … computer. a) a b) an c) … 3. she was the first woman to swim across … english channel. a) a b) … c) the 4. go down … kingston street and turn left into oxford street. a) the b) a c) … 5. i don’t like milk in … tea. a) … b) the с) а 6. at the end of… busy day, sleep is the best way to restore your energy. a) the b) a c) … 7. we’ll go for a walk if … weather is fine. a) a b) … c) the 8. could you give me … information i asked for in my letter? a) the b) … c) a 9. …war is a terrible thing. a) the b) … с) а 10. i spent … very interesting holiday in england. a) the b) a c) … 2. fill in the correct article. 1. "is this your friend? ” — "no, it isn’t my friend, it is my sister”. 2. i have sister. my sister is teacher. my sister’s husband is pilot. 3. i have no car. 4. she has got terrible … headache. 5. they have dog and two cats. 6. my cousin says he is going to be manager one day. 7. would you like apple? 8. this is tree. tree is green. 9. i can see three children. children are playing in … yard. 10. i have car. car is white. my friend has no car. 3. fill in the articles in the proverbs if necessary. 1. … apple … day keeps … doctor away. 2. … appetite comes with eating. 3. … good beginning makes … good ending. 4. … bird in … hand is worth two in … bush. 5. among … blind … one-eyed man is king. 6. … brevity is … soul of wit. 7. … cat has nine lives. 8. … charity begins at … home. 9. … clothes make … man. 10. … curiosity killed … cat.

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1)1.a 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.a 7.c 8.a 9.b 10.c 2)1.- 2.,-a 3.- 4.a,- 5.a,- ,- 7.an 8.a,the ,the 10.a, 3)1.an,a.the 2.- 3.the,the ,a 5.the,- 6.the,- 7.- 8.the,- 9.the,a 10.the,the

Every day in elementary school in America begins at 9.20 a.m. Children have classes till 3.15 p.m. At 12 o’clock children have lunch. Many boys and girls bring their lunch from home. But some of them go for lunch to a school cafeteria.

Mrs. Bradley prepares school lunches almost every weekday for her two children. Sometimes she gives the children money and they eat in the school cafeteria. But usually the children prefer to take a lunch from home.

This morning Mrs. Bradley is making peanut butter and cheese sandwiches, the children's favorite. She puts two bottles of apple juice for the children to drink. She is going to put the sandwiches, some cherry tomatoes and two bananas in their lunchboxes. The lunchbox is easy for the children to carry to school.


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