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Complete the sentences.use the past simple or the past continuous. 1.i ( london yyesterday. 2.when l phoned,hess wasn't at home.she( 3.you (not paper when i arrived. you ( last year? 5.thay weren't hungry,so thay (not breakfast. sun( you looked out of the window? іть,будь ласка

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.i went to london yesterday.2.when l phoned,hess wasn't at home.she was shoppping 3.you were not reading the paper when i arrived. 4.did you visit paris last year? 5.they weren't hungry,so they did`t have breakfast.6.was the sun shining when you looked out of the window?

1) what are your neighbors doing now? - что сейчас делают твои соседи? 2) the keys are made of steel. - ключи сделаны из стали.3) tomatoes are vegetables and cherries are kind of fruit. - помидоры-это овощи,а вишня  - это разновидность фрукта.4) there are shops, cinemas and theatres in the new district. - в новом районе есть магазины, кинотеатры и театры.5) what are these men going to do? they are going to marry beautiful girls. - что эти мужчины собираются делать? они собираются жениться на красивых девушках.



  1,   have to

2. may

3. should

4. can

5. mustn't 

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