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Were the design of cars improved the fuel consumption ( to reduсе) if a scientific research is closely linked with practice the results (to be) какую форму глагола вставить ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Were the design of cars improved, the fuel consumption would be reduced.if a scientific research is closely linked with practice, the results are always good.

Would be reduced , are.

Slender   ['slendə] ['слэнда] -стройный.  lean - худощавый lathy - долговязый short - низкого роста plump [plʌmp] / overweight - полный.  fat   [fæt]/ stout - тучный, толстый, упитанный тоже можно использовать, менее корректнo large, big [lɑːʤ], [big] [лаадьж], [биг] - большая muscular ['mʌskjulə] ['маскьюла] - мускулистая round [raund] [раунд] - округлая stooping ['stuːpɪŋ] [ступинг] - сутулая stout [staut]   [стаут] - толстая

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