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Дополнить второе предложение подходящими словами, но чтобы предложения были одинаковы по смыслу: 1. why didn't you say something when i forgot to sign the letter? есть слово reminded. you sign the letter. 2. i prefer spending my time reading to playing computer games. есть слово rather. time reading than playing computer games.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. why didn't you say something when i forgot to sign the letter?   you really should have reminded to sign the letter. 2. i prefer spending my time reading to playing computer games. i'd rather spend my time reading than playing computer games.

Stalls -  an area of upstairs seats.   aisle -  a way down from back to front between seats.  circle -  an area of downstairs seats. dressing room -  where actors put on their costumes and makeup.   stage -  the area on which the performance takes place box office -  the place   where you go or phone to buy tickets.   row   -  .a line of seats  backstage -  the whole area out of sight of the audience.   box -  a little private balcony with 3-5 seats only.  foyer -  the theatre entrance hall where people meet before going in. .

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