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Написать 10-15(до20)предложений про медведя и про зайца. описсать их(где живут,какого цвета шерсть ,какие есть части тела (( части дела fur [fɜː] мех hooves [huːvz] копыта antlers ['æntləs]оленьи рога horn [hɔːn] рог trunk [trʌŋk]хобот hump [hʌmp] горб spots [spɔts] пятна stripes [straɪps] полоски tusks [tʌsks] клыки, бивни wings [wɪŋs] крылья beak [biːk] клюв feathers ['feðəs] перья claws [klɔːs] когти fangs-крылья tail [teɪl] хвост mane [meɪn] грива paws [pɔːz] лапы whiskers [w'(h)iskəs] усы и многии другии

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Ответы на вопрос:

bears are big animals. they live in the forest. bears like to eat raspberries, honey, fish.they have got brown or white fur, short tails and big dangerous paws. in winter they usually sleep.

hares are small animals. they live in the forest too. hares like to eat carrots, cabbage, grass. in spring they are grey, but in winter they change their fur into white. they do it because of being safe from foxes and wolves.unlike bears, they don't sleep in winter.



  1)5,98*10                                                                                                                    59,80   2)59,8*24 1335,2 3)1,90*10 19 4)19*27 513

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