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Составьте около 10 вопросов но можно и больше 10 к тексту который ниже: hob : i was out to tea a day or two ago and the hostess asked me if i wanted another piece of cake and of course i did, so i said "thank you", but she didn`t seem to know whether i wanted it or not. i don`t want to run any risk of missing cake again, so what mst i say? mr.priestley : "thank you" in english many mean "yes," but you had better say "yes,please," then there can be no doubt. "no,thank you." olaf : i never quite now what to say when someone thanks me.for instance , yesterday i saw an old lady wanting to cross the road but afraid to start becase of the traffic. so i took her arm and helped her across the road . then she said," thank you very much. it was most kind of you to help me.thank you." do you now, i had no idea what to say. frieda : we say"bitte". lucille : a frenchman says ' de rien" or "pas de quoi." but what does an englishman say? mr.priestley : that`s difficult to answer. an englishman in such a case looks rather confused and murmurs something like, "not at all," " that`s all right " or "it` s a pleasure ." and then quickly passes on to something else. jan : well, mr.priestley , this has been a very good lesson . you have helped me a very great deal. thank you very much. mr.priestley(rather confused) : oh-er-that`s all right - it`s a on quickly to something else ). now here are some exercises for you all.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. what should a person say if he wants a cake? 2. what does  "thank you" mean in english? 3. is it better to say  "yes" or "yes,please"? 4. w hat should be  said when someone thanks you? 5.   what reply would be a  polite one  to a phrase  " thank you very much. it was most kind of you to help me.thank you."  ? 6.  a frenchman says ' de rien" or "pas de quoi." doesn't he? 7. when does a n englishman look rather confused? 8. why does an englishman  quickly pass on to something else? 9. whose lesson has been very good? 10. has  mr.priestley  helped  jan?

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