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There is no place like home. is it true? what is your idea about it?

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Ответы на вопрос:

To me, home means a place of love because here live my familly. home is the place where everything is comfortable for me. home is a small world where i live according to my family's rules. at home i can fully be myself. it’s the place where i feel safe and happy. here i can get all problems out of my mind. and i highly treasure it. that's why there is no place like home for me.

1.where is your home town situated? 1. где находится ваш родной город?

3.what do you like about your home town? why? 3. что тебе нравится в твоем родном городе? почему?

4.what would you advise your foreign friend to visit in your home town ? 4. что бы вы посоветовали своему иностранному другу посетить в вашем родном городе?

сорян 2 не смог : (

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