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Выберите нужное слово, поставставте где нужно, артикль: слова: alps, amazon. atlantic. bahamas, cairo, kenya, red sea, asia, andes, pacific, malta, tokyo, rhine, switzerland, united states. _ largest ocean 7) in __europe. between you __canada and __mexico.9) is in__ east africa. 10) are mountains in __ south america. вставте подходящий артикль, где он необходим. balcombes lived in 17) in off 19) . napoleon had 20) friends, he had money he had 22) . working together, quietly they could constitute 23) __ forces that would free him.

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Ответы на вопрос:

слова: alps, amazon. atlantic. bahamas, cairo, , red sea, asia, , , malta, tokyo, , switzerland,.

6)_the_ pacific _is the_ largest ocean 7) _the_ rhine __is_a_river in . 8)_the united states between you and .9) _- kenya __ is east africa. 10) the _ andes __ are mountains in south america.

вставте подходящий артикль, где он необходим.

balcombes lived in 17) _a_villa in off (on? )* 19) _an__island. napoleon had 20) friends, he had money he had 22) . working together, quietly they could constitute 23) forces that would free him.


* off (on? ) 19) что-то не так с предлогом, проверьте еще раз

1.studied, entered/ 2. said, got. 3 wanted, had organized 4. didn't know, attacked, 5 was glad, found 1. had done,played. 2 had come, had. 3. had washed, watched, 4. met, was eating , had bought, 5 came, was reading, had brought

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