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Circle the correct item. 1) edgar phoned/had phoned me at 8 o'clock yesterday evening. 2) mary vacuumed/had vacuumed the carpets by 3 o'clock yesterday. 3) we went /had gone home after it stopped/had stopped raining. 4) the waiter brought /had brought the drinks which we ordered/had ordered before. 5) angela paid/had paid the money, took/had taken her purchase and left/had left the shop. 6) before the bells chose /had chosen the hotel, they discussed /had discussed all the details with their travel agent. 7) paul started/had started working as a designer after he graduated/had graduated from university. 8) tom entered/had entered the classroom and closed /had closed the door. 9) when sam came/had come to the platform, the train already arrived/ had already arrived. 10) by the time we got/had got home, the film finished/had finished.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) phoned 2) had vacuumed 3) went  /  had stopped 4) brought  /  had ordered 5) had paid  /  took and left 6) chose  / had discussed 7) started  /  had graduated 8) entered  and  closed 9) came  /  had already arrived 10) got  /  had finished

present simple:

i, you, we, they   - пишем do,   don't

he, she, it пишем does       doesn't


i do not like history

he doesn't  like history

do you play basketball? yes, i do   no, i don't

does he  play basketball? yes, he does   no, he doesn't


present continuous:

i am,   i'm not     i am not,   i'm not

you, we, they   -   are     you aren't,   we aren't,   they   aren't

he, she, it   -   is       he  is,   shei s,     it is


i'm not singing   приписывается окончание  ing

are you sitting?     no,  i am not

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