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9. в каком случае должен употребляться артикль''the a) my sister is dentist. b) give me key you took c) moscow is our capital d) what date is it? 10. rembrandt, a famous painter, was born in netherlands. a) a b) - c) an d) the 11. i am a very hardworking person. i come after school, have dinner and start doing homework at once. a) their b) her c) his d) my 12. my family is trying where to go on holiday. a) decided b) decide c) to decide d) deciding 13 a: i go? b: yes, you can. a) could b) am c) need d) did 14. укажите правильную форму past simple глагола"держать". a) held b) hold c) holden d) helded 15. this school next year. a) will close b) is closed c) will be closed d) was closed 16. which is country in the uk? a) industrial b) the most industrial c) more industrial d) most industrial 17. what when he comes? a) will/ be/ do b) will/ be/ doing c) be/ will/ do d) be/ will/ doing 18. i to get up this morning. it and it was cold, and my bed was so warm. a) don't want/ is raining b) am not wanting/ rains c) wasn't wanting/ rained d) didn't want/ was raining 19. my nephew for another job these days. he wants to work at night. a) are looking b) look c) looking d) is looking 20. what in your free time? a) are you doing b) do you do c) you do d) are you do 21. i haven't done it a) yet b) already c) just d) since

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Ответы на вопрос:

9.b 10.d 11.d 12.c 13.a 14.a 15.c 16.b 17.b 18.d 19.d 20.b 21.a


1. there are three letters on the table. - на столе 3 письма.

2. there is a policeman in the car. - в машине находится полицейский.

3. there are two bottles of milk in the fridge. - в холодильнике есть три бутылки молока.

4. there are three nice arm-chairs in the room . - в комнате три изящных кресла.

5. there is a new coat in the wardrobe.   - в гардеробе новое пальто.

6. there is a modern tape-recorder in that car.   - в этой машине современная магнитола.

7. there are two bicycles in the yard.   - во дворе 2 велосипеда.

8. there is a big sandwich on the table.   - на столе стоит тарелка с большим сендвичем.

9. there is a dry flower in the book.   - в этой книге есть гербарий.


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