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Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения прилагательных, и переведите их на язык. 1. dutch tulips are the finest in world. 2.this film is more interesting that one whitch we saw yesterday 3. london recording studios are famouse all over the world

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. голландские тюльпаны - самые красивые в мире. 2. этот фильм интереснее, чем тот, что мы смотрели вчера. 3. студии звукозаписи в лондоне известны во всем мире.

5. We usually take a bus to get to school.

6. Why are you smiling? 'I have no homework today.

7. Where do you go on Sundays?

8. I always wear nice clothes at school. Today I am wearing a white blouse and a blue skirt.

9. "Jane! Where are you? What are you doing?* *I am cleaning my shoes.

10. Nick lives in Kiev. He often phones us when he is not busy.

11. "Why are you going to bed? It's only 10. 00. 'I always go to bed early.

12. I can't use the telephone now. It's not working.

13. It's late. I want to go to sleep.

14. "How many languages does she speak?" "She speaks six foreign languages.

15. I don't think Ann likes me very much.

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