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Напишите сочинение на тему страшное проишествие на карнавале

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the citypasseda cheerfulcarnival withdancing, musicand carousels.mickeymoonlightingtherevendorhot dogs.however,hot dogsmickeywas not quitenormal.they knew howto sing.the mainhighlight of theentertainmentwas a dancecarnivalminnie.and of course,that mickeycould not passby such abeautifulpartyand decidedto meet her.and it turned outthis way: minniecould smellhotsausagesand wanted tobuy onehotdog.mikkisaid thatmoneywill not takeit, but willingto entertaina greatminniejust.whenminniewanted to eatmy sandwich, sausageand minnieran awayto stay hungry.deciding toredeem himself, mickeycamein the evening tominnievanwith a guitarand two catsto performfor herbeautifulserenade.all wentwell untilthe ownerwoke upanddrovecarnivalmickey withhissingersaway.here is theincidenthappenedat the carnivalwith mickey.

Известная на весь мир коллекция, насчитывающая около тысячи экспонатов, когда-то начиналась с трех восковых фигур, которые создала юная Мария Тюссо.

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