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Які народні зимові свята відзначають узимку напишіть про це текст розповідь 5-7речень

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Ответы на вопрос:

взимку і восени наш народ відзначає свято-покрови, новий рік, різдво і водохреща.найбільш зимовим святом є різдво.у це свято на столі має бути 12 страв - кутя, узвар,голубці з пшоном,борщ вареники . коржі з маком і багато іншого. позакінченні вечері усі співають колядки. діти та їхні батьки ходять з привітаннями до рідних. знайомих.

ANA and answer in pairs What is the difference between weather report and a weather


What is the weather like today? What was the weather like yesterday (last Sunday)/ two days ago?

Read Paul's letter to Taras and say what it is about.


Taras weather



centigrade t'en

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realme To


Hi. Taras,

Well, spring officially starts in March, summer in June, autumn in September and winter in December. But sometimes we have weather from each season all in one day. Because English weather changes so often, there is always something to talk about A remark to a stranger about the weather such as "Not a very nice day, is it?" can often lead to an interesting dialogue

Even poets talk about the weather. For example, the great poet Lord Byron (1788-1824) once said, "I like the weather, when it is not raining. That is, I like two months of every year."




b) Answer the questions.

When does summer officially start and finish in Britain? Why do people in Britain talk about the weather a lot?

How can you start a talk with a stranger?

e Which months do you think the great poet Lord Byron liked best?

Cork (Wnd-1251)

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