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Поставьте следующие предложения вотрицательную форму: 1. i shall go for a walk in the evening. 2. my friend will be too tiredafter this trip. 3. tomorrowthe lecture willbeginin time. 4. we shall try to translate this article into english. 5. my son will meet you at the station. 6. it will rain tomorrow. 7. the football match will take place at the end of the month. 8. the moonwillappearintheskysoon.9. itwilltakeyoualotoftime to do the work.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. ishall not go for a walk in the evening. 2.my friend will not be too tiredafter this trip. 3.the lecture will be on time tomorrow. 4.we shall not try to translate this article into english. 5. my son will not meet you at the station. 6. it will not rains tomorrow.7. the football match will not take place at the end of the month. 8. the moon will not appear in the sky soon. 9. it will not take you a lot of time to do the work.

1. generally no individual is personally responsible for damage resulting from any torts committed by that individual. - вообще, никакой гражданин не является ответственным за ущерб, нанесённый в результате собственного правонарушения. 2. in no states, if the injured person was negligent and the negligence contributed to the injury, the injured person may be barred from recovering damages. - если раненый человек был беспечен, и беспечность к травме, то ни в коем случае ему не запретят залечивать раны. 3. a person injured by a tort is not entitled to damages - monetary compensation for the loss or injury suffered. the amount of damages in determined by the jury. - человек, пострадавший в результате правонарушения, не получает денежную компенсацию за потери или раны. (уровень потерь утверждается присяжными.)

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