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Выберите правильный вариант ответа 1. would you like some chocolate? -no, i dont a) some b) any c) no 2. that was the .. day in hit life a) happy b) happier c) happiest 3. let's play with toys here a) these b) this c) a 4. the students the poem by heart now a) are learning b) learn c) will learn 5. he the computer yesterday a) uses b) used c) use 6. what .. under the table? a) are b) it c) is there 7. i my friend last wednsday. a) meet b) met c) will meet 8. there .. some sugar in the cup. where is it now? a) is b) are c) was 9. they .. use the textbook next year a) dont b) arent c) wont 10. the shorts are nice. do you want to look ? a) it b) they c) them 11.there some honey in the jar. who took it? a) is b) are c) was 12. tom was the pupil in his school a) good b) better c) best 13. i home at 3 o'clock yesterday a) come b) came c) will come 14. look at these a) woman b) women c) womans 15. my flat is on the floor a) three b) third c) thirteen 16. thet are .. a) knives b) knifes c) knife 17. boys are from my class a) this b) these c) that 18. you like a glass of lemonade? a) do b) would c) can 19. look at sam! he computer games a) plays b) is playing c) play 20. there is a school .. of my house a) next b) in front c) behind 21. your new flat? a) does dan like b) is dan liking c) like dan 22. how juice is there in the bottle? a) many b) much c) any 23. these are a) child b) children c) child 24. there are carrots on the table. a) some b) any c) much 25. how bananas do you want? a) many b) much c) any 26. this is kitten. a) ann' b) anns c) ann's 27. bob dinner every day a) cook b) cooks c) is cook 28. lara is home yesterday a) in b) at c) on

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Ответы на вопрос:

1b 2c 3a 4a 5b 6c 7b 8c 9c 10c 11c 12c 13b 14b 15b 16a 17b 18b 19b 20b 21a 22b 23b 24a 25a 26c 27b 28b


задание 1

Caffeine is considered one of the best natural stimulants. It reduces the feeling of fatigue, increases attention and improves mood. The main sources of this substance are coffee, tea, mate and chocolate.First, when it gets into the body, caffeine mimics the neurohormone adenosine, which slows down nerve impulses and causes drowsiness.Secondly, caffeine stimulates the release of the hormone epinephrine, which increases the heart rate and increases blood pressure, as well as increases blood flow to the muscles and provokes the flow of glucose into the blood from its depot in the liver.Third, caffeine increases the level of the neurohormone dopamine in the brain. This substance is responsible for feelings of well-being and happiness. It is the feeling of cheerfulness and recovery after a good Cup of coffee that is the cause of the addiction to caffeine.

задание 2

1. Caffeine improves brain function. A Cup of coffee increases energy levels and improves mental productivity. In fact, caffeine is the most widely consumed stimulant in the world. It increases alertness, concentration and relieves fatigue.  2. Shampoo with caffeine fights hair loss. With hair loss and thinning of hair is faced by both men and women. Caffeinated shampoos effectively fight this problem and restore healthy hair.

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