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He decides on prices and discounts because he is a tourism manager. (who, why) they arrange entertainment programmes because they are animators. (what, why) he is an experienced tour operator. (who, what kind they are our new suppliers. (who, what) this tour operator pays us a 10 per cent commission. (who, what) our tour operators develop new tours every season. (what, how often) the booking agent handles bookings over the phone. (who, how) she is often away on business because she is a tour operator. (how often, why) сделать спец.вопрос you advertise your tour packages in mass media every month. (where, when) travel agents always provide a travel insurance with the tour package. (who, what kind they have customers every day. (when, how often) the animator entertains passengers on a cruise ship. (whom, where)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he decides on prices and discounts because he is a tourism manager. (who, why)

who decides on prices and discounts? why does he decide on prices and discounts?


2 they arrange entertainment programmes because they are animators. (what, why)

what do animators arrange? why do they arrange entertainment programmes?


3 he is an experienced tour operator. (who, what kind

who is an experienced tour operator? what kind of tour operator is he?


4 they are our new suppliers. (who, what)

  what are they? who are our new suppliers?


5 this tour operator pays us a 10 per cent commission. (who, what)

who pays us a 10 per cent commission? who does this tour operator pay a 10 per cent commission to?

what commission does this tour operator pay us?


6 our tour operators develop new tours every season. (what, how often)

what do our tour operators develop every season?

  how often do our tour operators develop new tours?



7 the booking agent handles bookings over the phone. (who, how)

who handles bookings over the phone? how does the booking agent handle bookings?


8 she is often away on business because she is a tour operator. (how often, why)

how often is she away on business? why is she often away on business?


9 you advertise your tour packages in mass media every month. (where, when)

      where do you advertise your tour packages every month? when do you advertise your tour packages in mass media?


10 travel agents always provide a travel insurance with the tour package. (who, what kind

who always provides a travel insurance with the tour package? what kind of insurance do travel agents always provide with the tour package?


11 they have customers every day. (when, how often)

  when do they have customers? how often do they have customers?


12 the animator entertains passengers on a cruise ship. (whom, where)

whom does the animator entertain on a cruise ship? where does the animator entertain passengers?

1why does he decide on  on prices and discountswho  decide on  on prices and discounts2 what do t hey arrange why do they    arrange entertainment programmes3  who  is an experienced tour operator.   what kind of operator is he4  who  are our new suppliers. what do they supply5 who   pays us a 10 per cent commissionwhat does he pay us6 how often do  o ur tour operators   develop new tours what do they develop7  who  handles bookings over the phone.how does he    handle 8 how often is    she away on business  why is  she away on business9 where do  you advertise your tour packages when do you advertise your packages10  who  always provide a travel insurance with the tour package. what kind of  travel insurances do you provide11 when do the    have customers how often do they have customers12 by whom are  passengers entertained    on a cruise ship.where are  the passengers entertained 

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