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Underline the stressed syllable. 1 . imagine 2. salad 3. album 4. interview 5. musician

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Ответы на вопрос:

1i'ma gine-2 слог 2'salad-1 3'album-1 4'interview-1 5mu 'sician-2

1. louise sent to helen a book. 2. the book arrived on helen's birthday. 3. she got from her parents new watch and a printer. 4. she had a party in a night club. 5. yes, namy friends came to helen's perty. 6. yes, they went to the restaurant. 7. yes, they ate, drank and took lots of photographs there. 8. helen's father came anf droved them home. 9. she will be in london. 10. she is going to go shopping and to go to the cinema.

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