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Как написать по они не друзья у медведя не длинный хвост

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They are no friends of the bear not long tail

Russia (from the greek. ρωσία — russia[15]), officially the russian federation[7] (in practice used and the abbreviation of the russian federation[8]) is a country in eastern europe and northern asia. population — 146 544 710[4] people (2016). the territory of russia, defined by its constitution, is 17 191 125 km2[3][16][3]. ranked first in the world in area, sixth in terms of gdp at ppp and the ninth — largest population. the capital — moscow. state language — russian. mixed republic federal structure. in may 2012, the post of president was taken by vladimir vladimirovich putin, prime minister dmitry medvedev. in the russian federation consists of 85 regions[1], 46 of which are referred to as provinces, 22 republics, 9 territories, 3 federal cities, 4 autonomous districts and 1 autonomous oblast. russia borders with eighteen countries (the largest number in the world), including two partially recognized and two unrecognized

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