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)нужно раскрыть скобки и написать слова правильно) b10. jerome david salinger has become a classic because of his real ) of american youth. he was born in 1919 in new york. b11. his father was a prosperous ) of ham and cheese. b12. the boy grew up with a sister who was eight years ) than he. he is said to be friendly with other children, but he seldom joined other boys in games. salinger did not do well at school, so his parents enrolled him in a military academy. there at night he wrote his first short stories. b13. literature had been the only subject he had ) liked at school. b14. on ) from the valley forge academy salinger told his parents that he wanted to become a writer.

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B10understanding b11importer b12older b13really b14graduation


are is are isn't is aren't


am not are not is are is are am are not


Are ..., Yes, They are Is ..., Yes, It is Are ..., No, they are not Is ..., No it is not Are ..., No, They are not Is ..., Yes, it is Are ..., No, I am not Is ..., Yes, it is

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