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Мне нужно описать 1 животного.я хочу собоку но незнаю как её описать

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Ответы на вопрос:

у собак красивые глаза, они грациозны.легко дрессировке

1.this girl's pen 2. his sister's friend; 3 my brother's dress; 4. your father's house; 5 her son's wife; 6 the boy's ball. 67) 1. there is; 2. it is; 3 there is ; 4 it is; 5 it is; 6 it is ; there is; 7 there is; 8 it is; there is; 9 it is; there is; 10 it is. 68) 1 there are; 2 there is; 3 there are; 4 there are; 5 there is; 6 there are; 7 there are; 8 there is; 9 there are; 10 there is; 11 there are; 12 there is; 13 there are; 14 are there; 69) 1 there are six desks in your classroom. 2. yes, there is. 3. the blackboard is in our classroom. 4. in our classroom there are three windows. 5. yes, there are some. 6. the pictures are on the walls.

Популярно: Английский язык