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Выбери правильную форму степени сравнения прилагательного в предложении «the weather in winter is … than in summer» a) colder b) cold c) the coldest d) more colder e) the most cold

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Ответы на вопрос:

A)colder будет правильно 

Подчеркните infinitive, определите его функцию. 1.  while this can   refer   ( именная  часть сказуемого)  to the use of computers in a class room, the term more broadly refers to  a structured environment in which computers are used to teach. (обстоятельство)  2.  they may find  ( именная  часть сказуемого)    themselves under severe  pressure from competitors who embark on price-cutting strategies. 3.  on the other  hand, there may be   ( именная  часть сказуемого)  advantages: the cost of goods from suppliers may be  (именная  часть сказуемого)    falling  and the cost of labor may be   ( именная  часть сказуемого)  cheaper. 4.  with a pool of unemployed labor to choose  from it may be   ( именная  часть сказуемого)  easier to recruit and retain skilled  workers. 5. firms will face rising costs for raw materials and may face  (именная  часть сказуемого)  labor disputes as workers seek to increase their wages to maintain their living  standards. 6.  the balance of payments will be  affected and there may be   ( именная  часть сказуемого)  a fall in the exchange rate. 7.  (nb: you will be expected to be (дополнение)  able   to make   (дополнение)  a distinction between a domestic fall in the value of money  8.  if inflation is getting out of control, the  government is likely to raise   (дополнение)  interest rates. 9.this means uk firms may be ( именная  часть сказуемого)  technically behind foreign firms when the government allows  demand   to grow (дополнение)  again.   10.  it may also show  ( именная  часть сказуемого)    the seeds of future inflation as the uk firms lack the  capacity to meet increased demand, not having been able to afford (дополнение)  to invest   (обстоятельство)  in  new plant and machinery. 11.  their response to increased  (дополнение)  demand may therefore be  (именная  часть сказуемого)    to  raise (дополнение)  prices and the inflationary cycle can start   (именная  часть сказуемого)  all over again.

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