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Нужно на завтро ! составить небольшой рассказ( предложений 9-10) о какой либо профессии. его обязанности, что следует ему делать, если он будет работать по этой профессии что ему придется делать и т.д желательно использовать модальные глаголы) заранее

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Ответы на вопрос:

the medical profession- oneof the most ancientprofessiy.navernyakaeveryone has seenwhat awork of a doctor.hedoes not onlytreatmentbut alsoprevention and diagnosisof various diseasesand injuries.the diagnosis,a studyof the disease,to find an approachto each patientand professionallyprescribe treatment- is an artof medical science.the doctor shouldbe able tocorrectly assignthe drug andto make sure thatthese drugsare compatible, be sureto informthe patient about thepossible side effects.in addition, thephysicianshould guide theactivities ofthe health legislation.this personmust knowhow to providenot onlya treatment, butan ambulance andemergency medical care.he needsto know,what should be doneincase of a disaster, accident ordisaster.the work ofa doctor -it's not justlimited working hours.prisyagnuv"oath"hippocratesonce: the doctoris responsiblefor the life ofthe person whoasksfor help.

Iwould like to become a doctor. the doctor has to be attentive and hardworking. it is obliged to help people, to save their lives. if you want to be a doctor it is big responsibility, it is necessary to make many efforts to cope with such hard work. the doctor is a heavy work demanding a lot of attention. i want to become a doctor to help people.

1) i found out in the bus that someone had stolen my wallet. my wallet had been stolen in the  bus. 2) my sister hadn't cleaned her room,  so i had to clean it myself.her room  hadn't been   cleaned,  so i had to clean it myself. 3) someone had asked me to give a talk about my country. i had been asked to give a talk about my country. 4)after my friend had found a ring in class, he gave it to the teacher. the ring was given to the teacher   after my friend had found it in class. 5)my dad had told me to keep a diary, so i bought a new notebook. i had been  told   to keep a diary, so i bought a new notebook.

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